Shalom Christian Missions
Shalom Christian Missions

May 2024 Newsletter


Dear Friends,

God has been on the move at New Beginnings Children's Center in Kenya. And once He starts moving there is no stopping HIM. I'm so glad we serve a good and loving Father!

Student Updates
Our high school seemed to be cheated out of our real National Exam results. We suspect there was some tampering with the scores in some way, since these students never scored this low. We went all the way to the National Education Council in Nairobi to protest the results as we could all tell they were not our scores. But to no avail. This will only encourage all of us to work harder to see that these students do exceptionally well this year and that many more go on to universities. 4 of our 6 sponsored graduates  have made a decision to repeat 12th grade to take the exams again. We could sulk and be angry about the results but we have decided to just continue in the fight for these children. When the scoring gets tough, the tough work harder. We pray this year we will see MANY go on to universities.
While this greatly affected the number of students enrolling in our school, we will not be discouraged. This is just another chance for HIS light to shine.

Our primary school is making great progress. We are approaching the end of the first term and that means it's time for exams. We are praying for good results for all the students.

We are excited to have 2 students who made it to the county track and field event later this week. Pray for Charles and Brenda to do well.
Pray for all our students and teachers.

Steps to Self-Sustainment 
Our community and school store is now up and running. We are working on getting what is needed for our inventory to supply the students and community with the things they want. This is another way to help the center become self-sustaining as well as becoming a blessing to the community and students.
Our safari vehicle has been requested by 2 companies to drive people to Ruma National Park which is very near New Beginnings and is a sanctuary for Rhinos and the Roan Antelope. We haven't even officially started in the safari business and we are getting customers. God supplies!

Our Winter Team has come and gone but their memory lingers on. They impacted the lives of many and will not be forgotten! We hope they return someday.
We have 2 teams joining us this summer and preparations are underway. Keep everyone in prayer as we plan and prepare. There is still space if you would like to join one of the teams. But don't delay!!
As I type, our grounds and maintenance are busy installing running water and a toilet in my room. YIPPEE!! It's been a long time coming and a true blessing. Our new mission accommodations were all made with running water and toilets. Come join us!

So much is happening. We hope you can get the chance to join us in remote Africa. If visiting a very remote part of the world is something that interests you, don't delay. Each year the progress here is changing the community. Just last month the road through our local town was paved. THAT'S PROGRESS!!
Come join us for a life-changing experience.


Valary is 9 and in 2nd grade. Valary has 3 siblings. Her father is disabled and her mother is illiterate but does her best to provide for the family. Paying school tuition is out of the question. Before coming to New Beginnings, Valary often missed school. She is now working hard to catch up. Regular meals were also out of the question for this family. Valary is in need of partial support.

Committing to $50 or even $25 a month would greatly help Valary. Click here to sponsor Valary. 


Every July, we give each of our school children a new drawstring bookbag for school. Email for the sewing pattern!

Bras and Pajamas
Currently, we have a need for bras (all cup sizes, but no 34" band size needed), camisoles, sports bras, and pajamas for our girls.

Please bring/send to our headquarters: 
Shalom Christian Missions
1255 Mill Creek Rd.
York, PA 17404

We so appreciate your donations!


Please continue your prayers for our ministry to the orphans of Kenya. If you or your church are not currently on our Prayer Warriors list, contact us so that we can be sure to add you. We have weekly prayer requests going out.
We would also love to meet with you for a time of fellowship and prayer. We would be honored to come to your location, whether it is at your home or church, to pray for the needy in Kenya. These are just very blessed times and we appreciate them so much. Let us know if you would like to schedule a gathering!


We are accepting applications for the July 2024 and January 2025 teams. If you are interested, visit our Mission page to apply. If you have questions feel free to ASK. We want to do all we can to help you get on the mission field to remote Africa.

What does a trip to Kenya typically involve?
Most of our teams spend their days immersed in the culture and lives of the children who call New Beginnings Children's Center HOME. 

Show the love of Jesus to a remote community through home visits to their modest mud houses while taking supplies to the poorest widows. Spend time with the children doing Bible School, Bible studies, and bedtime storytime. Enjoy their cultural songs and dances. End your trip with an awesome safari to the world-famous Masai Mara. See the animals as they live in the wild. 

Empower, preserve, and protect precious lives of those in Kenya. Change their lives AND change your life...FOREVER!

Who can I travel with?  
Travel as a group OR travel alone and make new friends who will serve with you.

Consider a multi-generational family mission. We often have parents/children join us and have even had 3 generations experience missions and Africa with us. Build a memory together that will last forever.  When traveling with a parent there is no age limit, but we recommend 10 or older. If traveling with a youth group or without a parent, you must be over 13 and have parental permission. This is a great opportunity to help your Youth Ministry learn about serving and relying on God. 

Are there discounts available?
There are discounts for leaders (of groups of 10 or more) and we do all the training/planning. Make plans to bring your whole group! Must be 13 or older to travel without a parent or guardian and family groups are welcome.

What dates are available? 
2024 Summer Trip
Tentative Dates for these teams are:
July 13 - July 28 (2 weeks) $1600 + airline tickets
Aug 4 - Aug 18 (2 weeks) $1600
July 13 - Aug 14 (1 month) $$2100 + airline tickets
2025 Winter Trip
Tentative Dates for these teams are:
Jan 26 - Feb 9 (2 weeks) $1600 + airline ticket
Feb 9 - Feb 23 (2 weeks) $1600 + airline tickets
Jan 12 - Feb 9 (1 month) $2100 + airline tickets
Claim your spot NOW while there is plenty of space open.

Can't make these dates? Contact us for other dates. This is a unique opportunity to experience life in a very remote part of the world. 
Don't pass it up!

How do I sign up?
Download an application and find more details on our Missions page. You can also call us at 717-586-6945 for more information. Can't reach us because we are out of the country? Email us for a quick response -
We can make this happen. Contact us about what you feel God is calling you to do. Let's work together to create the right trip!

Internship Program
For those who would like to spend a month or more with us, you can request to come as an intern for 1-3 months. Interns will be assigned a specific job to do while they are at New Beginnings.
Must be over 18 years of age to apply as a Foreign Intern. Find details on our Long-term Missions page or contact our office for details!


Please share these great needs with your family and friends.
Because of rising food costs, etc, we have made a slight change to our sponsor amount. Currently, the cost to fully sponsor a child is $100 per month. BUT you can be part of the team of sponsors for as little as $25 a month. We will find others who can partner to help each child in need. Don't delay, start TODAY! $25 can help change a life! Current sponsorship at the former amount is still acceptable and much appreciated.
A special THANK YOU to those who have joined our sponsor team. YOU are HEROS in the eyes of these children. YOU are World Changers!! This past month Ivon, Sharlet, Duncan, Elizabeth, Sharon, became fully sponsored and many others found partial sponsors. 
Meet John

John is 6 and in 1st grade. His father abandoned the family and the mother was forced to move with an uncle who lives along the lake. A dangerous area because of child trafficking. The mother is illiterate and only does small jobs to help support her family. John needs help. If you can help John at ANY level it will help change his life.
Click to sponsor John
Meet Innocent

Innocent is 15 and in 9th grade. She came in through the government office during a defilement case. She was pregnant and recently gave birth to a baby girl. She is a very hardworking student who does well in class. She wants a chance at a high school education and maybe beyond. Is God calling you to help Innocent? She needs a $50 sponsor or 2 - $25 sponsors. Either way will really bless her. 
Click to sponsor Innocent 

A child is praying...are you the answer?
100% of all sponsor donations go to help the children.
"..when you did it to the least of were doing it to me!"
Matthew 25:40
If you would like to sponsor a child, please visit our Sponsorship page to see which children have been praying and waiting for YOU! 
If you do not wish to sponsor through Paypal you can instead let us know which child you'd like to sponsor and send a personal check to our address:
Shalom Christian Missions
1255 Mill Creek Rd
York, PA 17404
You can BE THE DIFFERENCE in the life of a child!
Shalom Christian Missions is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization,
dedicated to serving children in need throughout the world.
All donations are tax-deductible.


Messiah University Water Project
We are honored to have Messiah University partnering with us to develop a Gravity Water System as part of their collaborative Engineering project. We are excited to see this integrated into New Beginnings and what it will offer. Stay tuned for more news on this in the future!

PHASE VI: Building for their Future!
Our playground for our preschool and early elementary is now leveled and plans are being made for playground equipment. Playground equipment is not as easy to find and we are working to construct our own as we continue to look for a supplier.  
We are still working on the installation of electricity to New Beginnings. We have installed electric wiring in the first area and this should allow the power company to connect the power. There seems to be a lot of corruption connected with the power company and this has delayed our progress in this area. Your prayers are needed and will be what help that project be accomplished.

Dormitory Bunks
We have had to increase the building cost of our dormitories because we decided we needed to expand the size of each one. The funding for 2 of the 3 dormitories has been reached and we have the footers in place and are ready to install the floor. The first dormitory will be for our high school and jr high school boys. They are bursting at the seams and begging for expansion.

Once the boys dormitory is completed we will move on to the second dormitory which will be for our primary girls. They have also reached capacity and need more space to bring in more students.

The final dormitory in this phase will be for our high school and Jr high school girls. Their dormitories are currently within and near one of our classrooms. Plans are to build a new dormitory and then have the extra classroom (currently used as a dorm) to expand for a computer classroom. This computer classroom will be used by our schools and also to hold classes for the community. Computer training will be essential for their lives. 

Project Donations Needed
Any donation to the building fund will be greatly appreciated and help us to move forward in changing the lives of these children.
Renovations and Upgrades        ___    Total              Donated         Balance needed
Electricity for the center                     $10,000                $5,000                  $5,000
Dormitory for High School boys        $16,000              $16,000                         $0
Dormitory for Primary girls                $16,000              $16,000                         $0
Dormitory for High School girls         $16,000                        0                 $16,000
Various small projects                         $12,000               $3,000                   $9,000
Road Project                                        $20,000               $3,000                 $17,000
                                                            $90,000             $43,000                 $47,000
Our God is a mountain-moving God and He is moving this mountain. We are halfway there! Please join us in praying for what is needed. 
Any size donation to our Building Fund will help us reach our goal. Donate TODAY!
"Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and
multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness."
2 Corinthians 9:10
Please join us in praying for finances for these projects!


Scholarship Program
Currently, we have more than 20 students in colleges/universities throughout Kenya. Our scholarship program is a great way to invest in advancing a student's education past high school. You can give to help a certain student or donate to help any who is waiting. 

Students currently attending their first year at colleges and universities are Irene Joseph, Dave, Dickson, Phenny, Linet, Tyson, Pamela, Norah, Anjeline, Papa John, and Austine.
We thank you for the support of those going on to institutions of high learning!

Next Step Program
Sometimes our high school graduates contact us when they have been out in the world for a little while and find themselves in great need of help to go to the Next Step. Some who finish our program have found jobs or have families that will help them get to the next step, but sometimes our graduates just need that extra hand-up.
Our Next Step Program was started to help these formerly-sponsored students who come to serve our center as interns so that we can begin to train them and see if they are serious about this decision. Then we help them go on to college/trade school/etc to help them move forward. 
If you would like to give to help these graduates, your one-time or monthly donation of any size will make it possible. Currently, we have several young adults working toward their goals. If you would like to help them, I know it would be greatly appreciated. Donate here and select 'College/University Scholarship Fund'  or "Next Step Program" to help a young person achieve their goals!


A & R Rental Center - York, PA
Ann Downing Ministries - Hendersonville, TN
Christ Church -- Yorkana, PA
Eagle Christian Ministries - York, PA
Elisha's Home and Ministries - Montrose, PA
First Baptist Church - Smithville, TX
Great Reward Ministries - Wrightsville, PA
Hametown Associates - Glen Rock, PA
Harvest Chapel Children's Ministry - Abbottstown, PA
Kirkland Electric - Wedowee, AL
Messiah University - Mechanicsburg, PA
Mt Gilead Church - Shermansdale, PA
The Left Hand - Farmington, MO
The Orchard Church - Cicero, NY
Zion Bible Church - York, PA
We would like to add your business or ministry to our list! Contact us TODAY!
May God bless you as you pray and give to help the children!
Donations may be made through PayPal
or you may send your donation to:

Shalom Christian Missions
1255 Mill Creek Rd
York, PA 17404
(717) 586-6945
Gaye Makrias